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Mice can be a huge problem in homes, especially between the months of October through February when they make their way into homes seeking shelter from the cold. Mice in homes can cause damage to the house and potentially spread disease. No one likes seeing a mouse scamper by them, finding mouse droppings in their home, or hearing their noises at night when you are trying to sleep. But how do you know if you have a mouse infestation? 


One of the most common signs of mice is the presence of mouse droppings. Mice can produce between 40 and 100 droppings per day. Mouse droppings are small, black, and pellet-like. Their droppings resemble small grains of rice. You may find mice droppings where food is stored, or under sinks, along baseboards, and near their nests. Mice droppings can carry harmful bacteria and transmit serious diseases, so you will want to remove those droppings wearing gloves. 

Gnaw Marks

Mice have teeth that continuously grow so they need to gnaw on things to keep their teeth at a reasonable length. They also have strong teeth so they gnaw on anything they can including wood, plastic, fabric, and wire. Because they can chew through wire, it can be a fire hazard


You might hear mice scampering, scratching, or gnawing at night when they are most active. These noises might be coming from in your walls, ceilings, or attic. Because mice are good at climbing and jumping and can fit in small spaces they can travel all throughout your home.


Mice will create nests in your home with soft materials such as insulation, paper, and cloth. They prefer dark areas that don’t get a lot of disturbance such as attics, in wall spaces, and garages.


Mice will also leave behind urine, which can have an ammonia-type odor. This odor can be particularly noticeable in closets, cupboards, and other enclosed spaces. Mice urinate as they run along creating urine trails that can be seen using a blacklight.


Finally, seeing a mouse in your home is a sign of a mouse infestation. Since mice reproduce so quickly it is likely there are others if you see one. Female house mice can give birth every 3 weeks.

A mouse infestation can be a significant problem, not only from the damage that they can cause to your home and the potential to spread disease but they are also a nuisance. If you suspect you have a mouse infestation in your home it is important to take action as soon as possible. You can give us a call or text at 208-917-3577 to get pest control services for mice and other pests.