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Given how cute and adorable the internet thinks mice are, it’s about time we break those illusions because they aren’t cute or adorable when they are in your home. So, here are 5 interesting facts about mice, who will try to sneak into your house if you leave the doors open.

5 Interesting Facts about mice

  1. A female house mouse can give birth up to a dozen babies every three weeks! That’s 150 babies a year. Since they reproduce so quickly you don’t want to wait to take care of the problem.
  2. Mice can fit through an opening the size of a pencil eraser. If you have mice and you are wondering how they are getting in it probably is from the smallest of openings. Go around the outside and seal any cracks and holes with silicone caulk as a way to help prevent them from getting in your home.
  3.  Mouse urine has a fluorescent glow under a blacklight. Mouse urine will fluoresce blue-white to yellow-white depending on how fresh it is. Mice trickle urine as they run along so you don’t typically see one bathroom spot.
  4. Mice spread disease through bite wounds, contaminating food, and water with their waste products. They also spread disease through ticks, fleas, and mites. This happens when the parasite bites the infected mouse and then spreads the disease by biting humans.
  5. Mice can jump up to 18 inches into the air. This means they can jump and climb on shelves and counters to access your food. Don’t leave food out on counters and keep food sealed in thick plastic or glass containers to keep them out of your food.

Mice are a nuisance that can quickly lead to escalated problems if not dealt with. If you have a mice problem, it’s best to get rid of them as soon as possible before they multiply and start causing damage to your home.

If you think you may have a mouse problem give us a call or text at 208-917-3577 or visit our website and fill out the form.